Extra Ability: Rage Costs 6 AP. You go into a violent rage, gaining +2 to all strength checks and +2 to all damage dealt with melee weapons. Lasts for one turn. Rank bonus: Every odd rank, gain +1 to STR and DMG bonuses. At rank 5, rage lasts 2 turns. At rank 8, rage lasts 3 turns.
Physical: Orcs are tall and muscly, with green skin, fangs and pointy ears. They have no hair at all. Orcs have poor eyesight, and the only color they can see is red. Some have theorized that this is why they are so violent.
Personality: Naturally aggressive. Orcs don’t tend to enjoy the little things, preferring to make situations high-stakes. Orcs aren’t monsters, however, and still have friends and family. In fact, Orcs protect the ones they are close to with a vengeance.
Culture: Orcs inhabit the Underworld. They are prone to divide into factions and clans, making settlements difficult. When Orcs entered Svalpana (they were the last to) Orc elders decided that they needed greater political power and started a war with the humans, judging them to be the weakest race. Unfortunately, they underestimated their foe’s intelligence and lost the war before it began. The orcs have been looking to pick a fight ever since.