(Races) Faux

Ateia, Faux Ranger

HP: 25     AP: 32     Shift: 10      Run: 45
Senses: 5H6     +1 Dexterity

Extra Sense: Spirit Whispers     You can sometimes hear the whispers of ghosts telling you whether something or someone is safe. When you roll a senses check, a natural 17-20 results in your character hearing positive or negative feelings from spirits surrounding whatever the character is investigating.

Physical: Faux have the ears and tail of a fox, making them look somewhat wild. They have a slightly yellow tinge to their skin. Faux are agile and silent, perfect hunters. Their eyes are always some shade of sepia, ranging from dark brown to light beige. Faux can live for as long as 150 years.

Personality: Faux are persistent and optimistic. They enjoy traveling both alone or with a large party. They are hardly ever cynical or sarcastic, preferring to say exactly what they are feeling or thinking.

Culture: Faux originated from the Wilderness. They live in tribes as hunter-gatherers, and love nature. They are not opposed to eating meat, like the elves, but they have a reverence for the forest and the wildlife in it that is unmatched. Faux shamans dedicate their life to communicating with the wild, and the older ones can even speak in animal dialect. When the first faux entered Svalpana through elven magic, they were shocked by the sight of cities, but over time, faux in Svalpana have accepted the way humans shape their environment, leading to a gulf between urban faux, who are very social and modern, and tribal faux, who reject modern society in favor of their homeland.