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Dylan, Human Paladin (Noob) |
HP: 30 AP: 30 Shift: 5 Run: 40
Senses: 3S4 +1 Charisma
Senses: 3S4 +1 Charisma
Extra Ability: Streetwise You have one rank in Streetwise.
Physical: Humans are physically diverse. Their skin tone ranges from pale whitish to dark brown to yellowy tan. Humans live for about 70 years.
Physical: Humans are physically diverse. Their skin tone ranges from pale whitish to dark brown to yellowy tan. Humans live for about 70 years.
Personality: Human personality is as diverse as human appearance. Humans are the only race that takes pleasure in participating in a government.
Culture: Humans were created in Svalpana. Since the birth of their society, they have created settlement, villages, towns, and cities. Humans have proven themselves as master architects, and the Great Bay is the pinnacle of human architecture. They have been criticized by other races for destroying their environment.