(Abilities) Adventurer Abilities

You don't have to be in a guild to learn these abilities. The maximum rank you can attain with these abilities is 7.

I AcrobaticsPerform stunts, keep your balance, and take less damage from falls.
Info: Add your Acrobatics rank to any check to perform a stunt, balance, escape from restraints (including living), or another act that involves acrobatics (ask DM).
AP Cost: 3    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional acrobatic skill.

I ArcanaKnowledge of magical effects, monsters, and lore.
Info: Add your Arcana rank to any check to recall information about anything magical.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study appropriate books or learn from an expert.

I AthleticsClimb faster, swim longer, and jump farther.
Info: Add your Athletics rank to any check involving speed or strength.
AP Cost: 5    Rank Bonus: +5 to run speed at rank 3
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional athletic skill.

I Comprehend DialectDecipher a code, understand a foreign speaker, or read an ancient script.
Info: Add your Comprehend Dialect rank to any check involving understanding a language or 
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Make a successful check to comprehend a foreign dialect, or decipher a code.

I DeceptionForge handwriting, pretend you're someone else, and detect someone's true motives.
Info: Add your Deception rank to any check that involves deceiving or detecting a lie.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional deceptive skill.

I DiplomacyLead a group to victory, impress others with your verbal flourish, or haggle a merchant out of his store.
Info: Add your Diplomacy rank to any check that involves speaking. Can be added to deception checks.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional diplomatic skill.

I Handle AnimalTame a wild animal or care for a pet.
Info: Add your Handle Animal rank to checks made to tame wild animals. You can care for and train a tamed animal.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Train an animal.

I HealCure your allies' wounds the old fashioned way- without magic.
Info: Take a full round to heal 3 HP of another person.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: +1 HP of healing each round
To Learn: Study medicine.

I IntimidateYou're good at being scary.
Info: Add your Intimidate rank to Intimidation checks.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional intimidation.

I MagicChannel your body's energy to manipulate your environment.
Info: You can use magic. Add your Magic rank to attack rolls when using magic.
AP Cost: N/A    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Meditate for three days.

I MechanicDisable a trap, build a simple device or pick a lock.
Info: Add your Mechanic rank to any check that involves the manipulation of a non-magical device.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study mechanics.

I NatureYou know the ways of the wild.
Info: Add your Nature rank to any check to recall information about anything natural, including wildlife. You can find water and edible plants in the wilderness.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study nature.

I PerformYou entertain a crowd with a show of music and dance.
Info: You can play one musical instrument, and you are also adept at dancing.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: Every odd rank, learn a new instrument.
To Learn: Study music.

I ReligionYou have extensive knowledge of the divine.
Info: Add your Religion rank to any check to recall information about anything to do with the gods, including Heaven and The Abyss.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study religion.

I RideYou can ride an armored steed into battle or drive a chariot around town.
Info: You can ride any ridable tamed animal.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: At rank 3, you can use simple animal-driven vehicles. At rank 6, you can drive any animal-driven vehicle.
To Learn: Ride a mount (requires an intelligence check the first time).

I Search- Many times have you scoured a room or looted a fallen enemy. It's about time you started getting better at it.
Info: Add your Search rank to your Search checks.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Succeed remarkably on a Search check.

I Sleight of HandWhether it's performing tricks or picking pockets, you're good at manipulating the minute.
Info: Add your Sleight of Hand rank to any check to steal a small item without being noticed or to perform a trick with small items.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Make a successful Sleight of Hand check.

I StealthYou've developed skill in sneaking around. Whether or not that's a good thing, it'll keep you from getting killed.
Info: Add your Stealth rank to all Stealth checks.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional stealth.

I StreetwiseYou know your way around cities and villages alike.
Info: Add your Streetwise rank to any check to figure out where something or someone is in a town or city.
AP Cost: 0    Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Explore 3 sizable towns.