(Rules) Alignment

Alignment in Myth is simplified to Good, Evil, and Chaos. Good characters usually strive to live within the law, but more than that, they value innocent life. A good character is someone who can be depended on to help those in need, and will always step between a villain and an NPC. Evil characters are exactly the opposite. They will twist laws to suit their needs, and dispose of innocents like garbage. Evil characters not only perform these acts but enjoy them, relishing carnage and control. Chaotic characters are somewhere between the two, taking whatever coarse of action their ultimate goal requires. Followers of chaos believe that laws are needless restrictions that should be cast off and ignored. Chaotic characters usually don't enjoy taking life needlessly, but they will do what they have to, because, as previously mentioned, followers of chaos usually care more about the end than the means.

Your devotion score is a number from 0-100 indicating how far you have come on the path of your alignment. Your DM will dole out devotion points every time you commit an act of good, evil, or chaos. Once you get 33 points, you have reached a landmark. Landmarks are at 33, 66, and 100, and every time you reach one your god will grant you a favor. These can be anything you or your DM can imagine. At the third landmark (100), you will receive a special gift from your god.