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Falchion, Warforged... Juggernaut? |
HP: 45 AP: 20 Shift: Nope. Run: 30
Senses: 1S2 +2 Stamina
Extra Ability: Endurance You can carry on with a task much longer than a normal being. If a DM would normally prevent you from continuing a task due to exhaustion, you may carry on for one more round. For every rank you put into endurance, you gain an extra round.
Physical: Warforged are humanoid-shaped, but the similarities end there. Instead of having flesh, they are made up of intricate mechanical parts, and have plate armor for skin. They are incredibly strong and durable. Where normally a heart would be, warforged have glass spheres which, if destroyed, end the warforged's life. Warforged can live forever if not destroyed.
Personality: Warforged are created by alchemists and have only the personality that has been 'programmed' into them.
Culture: The first warforged were created by outsider alchemists, but the craft has since been passed down to other races, especially elves and sylphs. They can be found on most planes. Warforged are rarely given names, but if they name themselves, it's usually after some kind of weapon.