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Kezna, Demon Assassin |
HP: 36 AP: 26 Shift: 5 Run: 40
Senses: 2S4 +1 Strength
Extra Ability: Demon Claw You can make a melee attack with your hand for 5 damage and a 17/20 chance of inflicting a burn (2 damage per turn until enemy rolls 11 or higher to save. Stacks.).
Physical: Demons have humanoid bodies, except for their legs, which are shaped more like those of a wolf. Their skin is black and brittle, like some kind of rock. The inside of their mouths, as well as their eyes, glows brightly (the color varies), but has a similar texture as their skin. Demons also have a long, sharp claw on either their right or left hand. The other is more hand-shaped, but still slightly pointy. Demons life span is determined by their creator. Some have dates on which they are set to expire. Others will live forever if not destroyed.
Personality: Demons are not inherently evil (see 'culture'), but many of them are influenced to be. Some demons don't like to be controlled, however, and escape from the abyss to other, more welcoming planes. Demons are solitary, but have been known to team up with others reluctantly if it helps their plans.
Culture: Demons were originally created by arch-mages in the abyss, their native plane. They were and still are treated like slaves, used by evil gods to carry out missions of slaughter and thievery. While not inherently evil, demons are trained from their creation (demons cannot reproduce) to obey their masters.