Common- The almost universally accepted language of the world is known simply as Common. It is the official language of Svalpana as proclaimed by that Grand Council, and it is spoken to some degree in all the planes. Most humans only know how to speak common. Common has a simple phonetic script.
Elven- The language of the elves was originally used in the Wilderness by both elves and sylphs. In the modern age, it is known by all elves but only used by half in Svalpana, and sylphs have almost completely dropped it as a language, picking up Common instead. Elven script consists of a complex array of phonetic characters that all look very similar.
Dwarvish- Created and used solely by dwarves. Most dwarves in Svalpana know it, but it is used rarely aboveground; only for ceremonies and ancient rituals. Its use continues in the Underworld, however, as most Underworlders simply refuse to speak Common. Dwarvish script is made up of a small set of phonetic characters combined with a large set of hieroglyphics.
Delvish- Originated in the Underworld. Orcs refused to learn Dwarvish, so they created their own language, and it has become not only the main language of even Svalpanan orcs, but all monsters in the Underworld capable of learning speech. Delvish has no written script.
Faux- A rarely used language known in its full form only by faux elders. Modern faux in the Wilderness use a hybrid of Common and Faux, and most Svalpanan faux just use Common. Faux script contains a vast array of hieroglyphics.
Draconic- Devised by the dragons of Svalpana, Draconic is spoken by most sentient monsters in Svalpana. It has a rather complicated phonetic script.
Divine- Created by angels when they were created themselves by the gods. It is still used in Heaven by angels and some others. It has no written form.
Infernal- Similar to Divine, Infernal was created by the Devils formed to do the evil gods' bidding. It is the accepted language of the Abyss. Infernal has no written form.
Ancient- The words of power spoken by the upper gods when creating the universe. A few are still known by the very most powerful wizards. There was a corresponding character set, but it is all but forgotten.
Distant- The original language of outsiders before they came to Svalpana. They now accept Common as their primary language, but a few outsiders know parts of the language. The script is a very basic phonetic set.
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