A little game theory before we start: one round represents 6 seconds in the game world. All the actions your character takes on one turn must therefore fit into a 6-second period.
Initiating Combat & Taking Turns
Combat begins when a PC, NPC, monster, etc. makes an attack against another entity. The order of turns (who goes after who) is determined by marching order, and failing that, a comparison of Dexterity scores.
On Your Turn...
You can make one move action and one major action, or two move actions.
Move Actions:
Shift: You move a number of feet equal to your shift score. Cannot provoke opportunity attacks.
Walk: You move a number of feet in between your shift and run scores. Provokes an opportunity attack when leaving a creature's attack range.
Run: You move a number of feet equal to your run score. Provokes an opportunity attack when leaving a creature's attack range.
Up From Prone: You go from a prone position to standing up.
Major Actions:
Attack: You make a basic attack. See Attack & Defense for more information.
Aid: You administer a magical healing item to another creature (includes potions).
Coup de Grace: If a target is helpless (paralyzed, unconscious, etc.), and your attack against them hits, it's automatically a critical, with maximum possible damage.
Total Defense: You prepare yourself for an attack and gain +2 to Reflex until your next turn.
Handle Equipment: You draw or sheath a weapon, pull out or put back an item from your pack, or reload a crossbow or firearm.
Consume Substance: You drink or swallow something, such as a potion or an herb.
Drop Prone: You lie down and go into a prone position.
Handle Object: You pick up or slightly manipulate an object within a 5-foot radius. For example, opening a door or pulling a lever.
Free Actions (No Action Required):
Dropping a held item, speaking a few sentences, or anything similarly insignificant is a free action and therefore can be performed without using an action.
Use your best judgement if an action you wish to take is not in the above list.
Attack & Defense
To make an attack, first determine if your target is within the range of your weapon or ability. Then, roll a d20 and add to it your proficiency with the weapon, the weapon's hit modifier, and any bonuses from circumstance, magical buffs, or other temporary effects. This is compared to the enemy's reflex. If your hit roll exceeds your target's reflex, your attack hits. If you tie, the attack misses. If you roll a 20 on the die, your attack is a critical, which means that the target does not subtract their damage reduction score from the damage you inflict.
To determine damage, roll the weapon dice and add your relevant stat (STR for melee, DEX for ranged, or your rank in Magic for magic).
To determine your reflex, add your dexterity to the smaller number in your senses score, and then add 10.
If a creature leaves your attack range, you can make an opportunity attack against them on their turn. You cannot use abilities for an opportunity attack.
Normal: You are standing up and alert.
Blinded: You cannot see. You therefore cannot make a sight check, and you take a -10 penalty to all hit rolls.
Dying: You are at -1 hit points or fewer and you lose 1 HP each round unless stabilized.
Dead: You are at -[STA] HP and dead.
Invisible: You cannot be seen. Enemies can't make opportunity attacks against you. You get a +5 bonus to all hit rolls, and enemies take a -5 penalty to hit you.
Paralyzed: You cannot move on your own.
Prone: You are lying on the ground. You can move at your shifting speed, but your movements can provoke opportunity attacks. You take -2 to attack rolls and enemies making melee attacks against you get a +5 bonus to hit. Enemies making ranged attacks against you take a -2 penalty to hit unless they are within 5 feet.
Stunned: You cannot make major actions. You take a -5 penalty to all defenses.
Unconscious: You are at 0 HP. You cannot take actions. You become prone if possible. You cannot add your stats to defenses.
After the Fight
You can take a short rest (two hours) without sleeping and recover 5 HP. These can be stacked, but the alternative is to take a full rest (six hours) and sleep in order to recover all your HP.