(Races) Sylph

Sylvia, Sylph Bard/Cleric

HP: 23     AP: 38     Shift: 10      Run: 35
Senses: 3S4     +1 Charisma

Extra Ability: Sleight of Hand     You have one rank in Sleight of Hand.

Physical: Sylphs are a bit shorter than humans, but not by much. They have pale skin and dragonfly-like wings. Some sylphs have been known to have other kinds of wings as well, such as butterfly wings. Sylphs can live for up to 60 years.

Personality: Sneaky. A sylph will always take the path with the greatest profit. Don't trust a sylph with anything.

Culture: Sylphs are native to Svalpana. They have always got along well with humans, and play an important role in Svalpana's government. Sylphs are known to be swindlers, however, and don't always do the best job in positions of power.