(Rules) Character Advancement
(Rules) Paths
Paths are similar to prestige classes. To get the benefits of a Path, you first must meet the requirements. When the players in a campaign are able to choose a Path is up to the DM, but unless the Path is associated with a group, the players should be able to join one as soon as they can fulfill the requirements.
(Abilities) Magic
To perform Magic in Myth, one must first learn the Magic ability. After that, a character must learn schools from a proficient spellcaster or a tome. Schools are the different branches of magic such as Fire or Healing. Once a magic user has learned a school, they can make a check using their rank in the school to perform a spell that falls within the description of the school.
Water: Create cold and control water
Air: Control air
Earth: Move rock, sand, soil, and other natural, nonliving solids
Mood: Create an aura of a specific emotion
Illusion: Change the way something is perceived
Magic Sense: Detect the presence of magic
Empowerment: Help someone accomplish a difficult task
Justice: Create laws
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(Equipment) Basic Mounts
These are just the mounts easily available to you in your average town stable.
I Horse- Not exactly the animal you buy for bragging rights, but it'll get you from here to there. Cheap.
HP: 50 Speed: 50 SNS: 4M5
STR: 6 DEX: 2 INT: 1 STA: 6
Price: 75G
I Pony- A little horse for little people. Dwarves prefer these to horses.
HP: 38 Speed: 40 SNS: 4M5
STR: 4 DEX: 3 INT: 1 STA: 5
Price: 60G
I Camel- On the slow side, but nothing beats the camel for crossing vast stretches of nothing at all.
HP: 50 Speed: 35 SNS: 4H5
STR: 5 DEX: 2 INT: 1 STA: 8
Price: 90G
(Equipment) Exotic Weapons
The following weapons get +2 to hit on their attack rolls: Katana, Wakizashi, Trident, Brawl Sabre, Kunai, Spiked Gauntlet.
The following weapons take -2 to hit on their attack rolls: Duo Cleft, Roc.
Min Pro: This is the minimum amount of proficiency needed with a weapon of the same class to use this weapon properly. For every point of proficiency you lack, you will take -1 to hit with that weapon.
Critical Definition: Max means that a critical results in the weapon dealing the maximum amount of damage it could possibly deal, xN means that you roll normally and add in any bonuses, then multiply that number by N. rN means that you extend the critical range to N (r3 makes an attack a critical when you roll a natural 18, 19 or 20).
Rarity: Rarity is listed as a percentage so DMs can roll to see if the weapon is available in a given location. Some weapons can only be bought from guilds you are a member of, and there is no way in hell you will find a Gunaxe Chain Dagger in a store, hence 'custom'.
Pictures will follow!
(Content Creation) Weapon Types
Masterwork- Advance one damage category, gain +1 to attack rolls.
Steel With Silver & Gold- +1d4 damage against evil creatures, +1d6 damage against werewolves and anything from Hell. Bonuses don't stack.
Stone- Min. Strength increases by 2, critical fail results in reduction of damage by one damage category.
Comet Ore- Min. Strength decreases by 1, gain +1 to attack rolls.
Rusted- Advance one damage category, natural 1 or 2 results in reduction of damage by one damage category, critical inflicts 1d4 damage on the target's next turn.
Mythril- Min. Strength decreases by 2, advance one damage category, gain +2 to attack rolls.
Damage Categories
Steel With Silver & Gold- +1d4 damage against evil creatures, +1d6 damage against werewolves and anything from Hell. Bonuses don't stack.
Stone- Min. Strength increases by 2, critical fail results in reduction of damage by one damage category.
Comet Ore- Min. Strength decreases by 1, gain +1 to attack rolls.
Rusted- Advance one damage category, natural 1 or 2 results in reduction of damage by one damage category, critical inflicts 1d4 damage on the target's next turn.
Mythril- Min. Strength decreases by 2, advance one damage category, gain +2 to attack rolls.
Damage Categories
(Races) Lycan
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Tia, Lycan Barbarian |
HP: 36 AP: 23 Shift: 5 Run: 50
Senses: 5S6 +1 Strength
Extra Ability: Adapt Costs 15 AP. Pick an animal. You transform into this animal if it would help you kill something. At ranks 3, 6 and 9, gain a new form to shift into. Your animal form lasts for a number of rounds equal to your rank in Adapt.
Physical: Lycan are obviously wild in appearance. They have long hair, sharp teeth, and powerful muscles. Most Lycans have earned at least a few large scars by the time they are adults.
Personality: In Lycan-inhabited lands, might makes right. Words don't mean a damn thing if you don't have the physical power to defend them. Because of this philosophy, Lycans usually fight with their bare hands or melee weapons, and never hide behind magic. Lycans are usually solitary, so if they do travel in a group, it's usually because they need PC friends to kill something.
Culture: Lycans almost never exist in groups. They are more similar to large predators than humans in their behavior. They follow the prey, and fight for territory.
(Races) Fallen
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Suszanne, Fallen Cavalier |
HP: 23 AP: 39 Shift: 10 Run: 40
Senses: 2S4 +1 Charisma
Extra Ability: Divine Wings Saps 5 AP*. Your wings have special properties that can protect allies or empower attacks. Choose Protective Aura, Deathly Aura or Arcane Aura. Protective Aura grants all creatures in a 15 foot radius +2 to defense. Deathly Aura grants all creatures in a 15 foot radius +2 to the damage of physical attacks. Arcane Aura grants all creatures in a 15 foot radius +2 to attack rolls for magic. At rank 5, you have to select 4 targets of the Aura. At rank 8, increase the bonus to +4.
*When an ability saps AP, it means that your AP is reduced by the number specified for as long as you use the ability.
*When an ability saps AP, it means that your AP is reduced by the number specified for as long as you use the ability.
Physical: Fallen appear much the same as humans, though their internal anatomy differs greatly. The two visible differences are the broken obsidian wings, and their exceptional beauty.
Personality: Fallen are often quiet and contemplative. They don't raise their voice often, but when they do, things tend to get done. Fallen always have an extreme alignment; supreme good or total evil.
Culture: Fallen are angels who were stripped of their powers for one reason or another, and sent down to the mortal planes. They have no memories of Heaven, but they know that they are Fallen, and most have a strong desire to get off the mortal planes, whether they end up in Heaven or Hell.
(Abilities) Adventurer Abilities
You don't have to be in a guild to learn these abilities. The maximum rank you can attain with these abilities is 7.
I Acrobatics- Perform stunts, keep your balance, and take less damage from falls.
Info: Add your Acrobatics rank to any check to perform a stunt, balance, escape from restraints (including living), or another act that involves acrobatics (ask DM).
AP Cost: 3 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional acrobatic skill.
I Arcana- Knowledge of magical effects, monsters, and lore.
Info: Add your Arcana rank to any check to recall information about anything magical.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study appropriate books or learn from an expert.
I Athletics- Climb faster, swim longer, and jump farther.
Info: Add your Athletics rank to any check involving speed or strength.
AP Cost: 5 Rank Bonus: +5 to run speed at rank 3
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional athletic skill.
I Comprehend Dialect- Decipher a code, understand a foreign speaker, or read an ancient script.
Info: Add your Comprehend Dialect rank to any check involving understanding a language or
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Make a successful check to comprehend a foreign dialect, or decipher a code.
I Deception- Forge handwriting, pretend you're someone else, and detect someone's true motives.
Info: Add your Deception rank to any check that involves deceiving or detecting a lie.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional deceptive skill.
I Diplomacy- Lead a group to victory, impress others with your verbal flourish, or haggle a merchant out of his store.
Info: Add your Diplomacy rank to any check that involves speaking. Can be added to deception checks.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional diplomatic skill.
I Handle Animal- Tame a wild animal or care for a pet.
Info: Add your Handle Animal rank to checks made to tame wild animals. You can care for and train a tamed animal.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Train an animal.
I Heal- Cure your allies' wounds the old fashioned way- without magic.
Info: Take a full round to heal 3 HP of another person.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: +1 HP of healing each round
To Learn: Study medicine.
I Intimidate- You're good at being scary.
Info: Add your Intimidate rank to Intimidation checks.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional intimidation.
I Magic- Channel your body's energy to manipulate your environment.
Info: You can use magic. Add your Magic rank to attack rolls when using magic.
AP Cost: N/A Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Meditate for three days.
I Mechanic- Disable a trap, build a simple device or pick a lock.
Info: Add your Mechanic rank to any check that involves the manipulation of a non-magical device.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study mechanics.
I Nature- You know the ways of the wild.
Info: Add your Nature rank to any check to recall information about anything natural, including wildlife. You can find water and edible plants in the wilderness.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study nature.
I Perform- You entertain a crowd with a show of music and dance.
Info: You can play one musical instrument, and you are also adept at dancing.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: Every odd rank, learn a new instrument.
To Learn: Study music.
I Religion- You have extensive knowledge of the divine.
Info: Add your Religion rank to any check to recall information about anything to do with the gods, including Heaven and The Abyss.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Study religion.
I Ride- You can ride an armored steed into battle or drive a chariot around town.
Info: You can ride any ridable tamed animal.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: At rank 3, you can use simple animal-driven vehicles. At rank 6, you can drive any animal-driven vehicle.
To Learn: Ride a mount (requires an intelligence check the first time).
I Search- Many times have you scoured a room or looted a fallen enemy. It's about time you started getting better at it.
Info: Add your Search rank to your Search checks.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Succeed remarkably on a Search check.
I Sleight of Hand- Whether it's performing tricks or picking pockets, you're good at manipulating the minute.
Info: Add your Sleight of Hand rank to any check to steal a small item without being noticed or to perform a trick with small items.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Make a successful Sleight of Hand check.
I Stealth- You've developed skill in sneaking around. Whether or not that's a good thing, it'll keep you from getting killed.
Info: Add your Stealth rank to all Stealth checks.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Perform an act of exceptional stealth.
I Streetwise- You know your way around cities and villages alike.
Info: Add your Streetwise rank to any check to figure out where something or someone is in a town or city.
AP Cost: 0 Rank Bonus: N/A
To Learn: Explore 3 sizable towns.
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